Friday, September 18, 2009

I see it's been a while sense I have written. Sorry about that.
Tonight was our visitation night. Two of us went out, not sure how it would turn out, but it was one of our most exciting nights out. We had several people express interest in coming to church and trying us out. A number of them said that they have recently moved and were looking for a church home. And some were elderly ladies who like going to church but have no way of getting there.
Which bring us to our next prayer request: we may have to start our first "bus ministry"! :-) We already have one elderly woman who needs a ride when it rains (which happens a lot here), and if these others come, it will make Sundays interesting. Oh well. The Lord knows, and if He wants them there, He will figure out a way to get them there.
We are rejoicing over what God is doing. He is working in each individual's lives, changing all of us. Some are breaking out of their shell, others are getting more involved with service, and others are getting into their Bible a whole lot more.
Our motto is, "We just want to be a blessing", and we are learning that the best way to be a blessing is to have a personal relationship with Christ.

We have our new chairs, and the folks just love them. It makes the sanctuary seem like a sanctuary.
We have gained one person sense we started. She is 89 and spent 34 years as a missionary in South America. She is a wonderful Christian woman, who keeps us all on our toes. We love her dearly and thank God daily for sending her to us.
We have our first church activity this Sunday. We are having a potluck at the Pastor's house and then going out to play miniature golf. We hope for nice weather and good fellowship.

Thank you all for your prayers. Keep praying that we will be able to reach every home and apartment around us and find those who need Christ as their Savior.

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