Monday, August 3, 2009

Our First Service

WOW! What a rushed week it has been! God had provided for us a store front that we could start using on the first of August (our first service was August 2nd), but we only had one week to get everything together. One week to turn a completely empty 600 sq/foot room into a functional church building. We worked hard. The basic rule of thumb was, if Noah came home with black feet, it wasn't clean yet. Twice over with the vacuum, twice over with the mop, and after 5 "swifter sweeper" pads, the floors finally came clean.

The week that we started to clean and prepare, it was the hottest it has been in decades in Portland, OR. We're talking 106 and 107 degrees. On our first day of cleaning, the A/C broke! The Lord has provided us with generous folks who have donated the funds to replace that A/C (Praise the Lord). Also, someone donated the funds to have a sign built.

Our first service was on August 2nd. We had 10 people for Sunday School, and 6 more showed up for our morning service. The song service was great: our folks sang loud. So loud that the used car salesman down the way said he could hear us. Which he loved because he had to miss church that day. There was really a good spirit throughout the whole day.

My wife and I decided we needed to have a celebration for our first service, so we bought an ice cream cake and had a good time of fellowship afterwards...praising God for what He has started and for what He is going to accomplish through His ministry here.

We praise the Lord for His goodness in getting His work started. It has been a blessing and an encouragement to be a part of it. We ask for your prayers. We need God's guidance, strength, love, and patience.

Thanks to all who have been praying for us already: may the Lord bless you.

1 comment:

BSBT said...

Praise the Lord for the work He has given! =]
Praying for you all as you start out on this "Old Path" :)